Touchy Feely Review

RATING: (1.5 STARS) Touchy Feely, the latest from writer-director Lynn Shelton, is the dreariest thing this side of Shelton’s hometown of Seattle. If the over-under on smiles cracked by the film’s quartet of main characters was four, I’d take the under. Even worse than the misery is the film’s thematic aimlessness. Shelton got at deep […]
Your Sister’s Sister Review

RATING: (2 STARS) Your Sister’s Sister is writer-director Lynn Shelton’s attempt to put an uber-realistic, mumblecore spin on a story that’s more than a little artificial. The end result is a film that wanders purposelessly toward a goofy conclusion. There’s talent on display—no doubt about it—but it never manifests itself into anything resembling a satisfying […]
Safety Not Guaranteed Review

RATING: (3.5 STARS) “WANTED: Someone to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O. Box 322, Oakview, CA 93022 You’ll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.” In this unlikely—and not remotely serious—classified ad taken out 15 […]