10 Movies I Can Watch Any Time

My favorite movies are The Godfather, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Psycho. But I’m not always in the mood to watch three hours of the mafia, apes and wormholes, or Janet Leigh getting murdered. There’s a big difference between best movies and favorite movies, and there’s an even bigger difference between favorite movies and most […]
Sunday Afternoon with Criterion: Lord of the Flies Edition

I: Intro II: Desert Island Criterion Movies III: Lord of the Flies IV: What’s New? V: Links Intro Welcome to Sunday Afternoon with Criterion, a series of fortnightly posts on JohnLikesMovies.com covering everything Criterion—the company’s newest releases, just-announced projects, reviews, lists, links, and more. I caught up with Peter Brook’s Lord of the Flies earlier […]
Ranking the Films of Terrence Malick

It took me a long time and a lot of viewings to appreciate the Terrence Malick films the way I do today. The first film of his I experienced (and make no mistake, each and every Terrence Malick film is an experience) was The New World, not long after its release on DVD. I shut […]
Days of Heaven Review

RATING: (4 STARS) Days of Heaven is a major step up for filmmaker Terrence Malick. While his debut feature, Badlands, showed promise, it ultimately left me feeling cold. His second feature, however, is a haunting portrait of youth, love, and the mistakes that accompany each. The Oscar-winning cinematography is a highlight, as is the surprisingly […]