It’s the Pictures Podcast: Episode 7

John and Max are exploring the films of Shane Black in the latest episode of the podcast, including his new feature The Nice Guys. Disagreements are the name of the game this week. They also discuss the 50th anniversary screening of Persona, the wrap up of the 69th Cannes Film Festival, the Beauty and the […]
Iron Man 3 Review

RATING: (3 STARS) Whatever Marvel movie followed The Avengers was going to struggle to overcome the scaling back that, in this franchise’s very particular case, was unavoidable. Marvel movies, for better or worse, never take place in a vacuum, and for four years and five films, this studio was building toward something massive and unprecedented. […]
2013 Summer Movie Preview: Part 1

Last year, celestial angels with trumpets rang in the summer movie season. It was going to be the best ever—The Dark Knight Rises, Prometheus, The Avengers, The Bourne Legacy, an original Pixar movie, and more. Even if the season didn’t end up meeting expectations, there was lots of good stuff out there. This year, it’s […]
The Marvel Phase 1 Movies

It’s a little funny that despite my general indifference toward the majority of the Marvel canon, I’m almost always excited for their next movie (including next weekend’s Iron Man 3). As much as anything else, it probably has a great deal to do with the fact that the studio as planted its flag firmly on […]