Meryl Streep

The Ten Best Performances of 2009

The Ten Best Performances of 2009

Below are my ten favorite performances of the year. I wouldn’t dare say they were the ten best, but for one reason or another, I preferred these above any others in 2009. Some will be nominated for Oscars; others won’t be. But these actors and their outstanding work helped make 2009 such a strong year […]

Julie and Julia Review

Julie and Julia Review

RATING: (3 STARS) Many have said that “Julie and Julia” is half a great film and half a poor one. I don’t think that’s necessarily true, but I do think the disjointedness of the film causes some problems. Still, it was a thoroughly enjoyable love letter to the kitchen featuring one of the best performances […]

Fantastic Mr. Fox Review

Fantastic Mr. Fox Review

RATING: (4 STARS) I’m not the biggest Wes Anderson fan. Other than “The Royal Tenenbaums,” I’ve found his work to be one-note and somewhat pretentious. With that said, “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” was anything but. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience, full of wit and charm. In a year when animation seems to be one-upping […]

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