Albert Nobbs Review

RATING: (3 STARS) It took Glenn Close almost two decades to get Albert Nobbs to the big screen, and for such a talent to dedicate so much heart and soul to something, viewers have a right to expect something truly special, right? Well, if you go in with that mindset, you’ll certainly be disappointed. However, […]
Higher Ground Review

RATING: (2.5 STARS) 2011 featured a number of stellar directorial debuts. I’ve sung the praises of Sean Durkin’s masterful Martha Marcy May Marlene for months now, but J.C. Chandor’s Margin Call, Joe Cornish’s Attack the Block, and John Michael McDonagh’s The Guard were all varying degrees of intriguing and entertaining. Another of last year’s directorial […]
Winter’s Bone Review

RATING: (2.5 STARS) Winter’s Bone is a funny little film that fails more than it succeeds, but remains intriguing throughout. I felt that, despite featuring a brilliant performance by newcomer Jennifer Lawrence, it sort of sputtered along without much of a plot for too long for me to really connect to it. The setting is […]