Short Term 12 Review

RATING: (4 STARS) There’s a moment in Short Term 12, about an hour in, that feels so wildly out of place it will take your breath away. It’s a scene out of any number of movies—a slasher flick, a gangster movie, the Jennifer Lopez vehicle Enough—but certainly not this tender-hearted drama about struggling teenagers and […]
Your Sister’s Sister Review

RATING: (2 STARS) Your Sister’s Sister is writer-director Lynn Shelton’s attempt to put an uber-realistic, mumblecore spin on a story that’s more than a little artificial. The end result is a film that wanders purposelessly toward a goofy conclusion. There’s talent on display—no doubt about it—but it never manifests itself into anything resembling a satisfying […]
The Do-Deca-Pentathlon Review

RATING: (3 STARS) Relatable characters, simple set-ups, deceptively complex emotions—these are calling cards of Jay and Mark Duplass, and those settling in to watch their latest, The Do-Deca-Pentathlon, should recognize these trademarks without much difficulty. It’s Mark’s (Steve Zissis) birthday, and he and his family are flying to his mother’s house for a party. Mark’s […]