The Martian Review

RATING: (3 STARS) In Stanley Kubrick’s epic space saga, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Strauss’ “Blue Danube Waltz” plays over a famous docking sequence. In Ridley Scott’s The Martian, a critical docking sequence is scored by David Bowie’s “Starman.” The differences go on, but perhaps it’s this one that best demonstrates what Scott is going for […]
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Review

RATING: (2 STARS) The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is many things—a good film not being one of them. But in between non-sensical, neon-soaked action sequences and cliche-ridden superhero movie romance are some surprisingly acceptable moments. Electro’s transformation from bullied to bully is hardly inspired. Ditto Peter Parker’s exploration of his parents’ past. But these oddly (if […]
The Amazing Spider-Man Review

RATING: (3 STARS) Put simply, Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man is an entertaining superhero movie, and if that’s what you’re looking for during the sweltering summer months, you’ll get your money’s worth. Of course, the film has the added burden of proving to audience that its necessary to reboot the Spidey series just a decade […]
Prometheus Review

RATING: (3 STARS) To make a film that seeks answers to questions of mankind’s origin is bold. To shoehorn that film into a maybe-it-is-maybe-it-isn’t Alien prequel is bold to the point of being a little foolhardy. This is, for better or worse, Prometheus, and you certainly won’t see a film quite like it this year […]