Sunday Afternoon with Criterion: Things to Come Edition

I: Intro II: Remaking the Collection III: Things to Come IV: What’s New? V: Links Intro Welcome to Sunday Afternoon with Criterion, a series of weekly posts on covering everything Criterion—the company’s newest releases, just-announced projects, reviews, lists, links, and more. Perhaps it’s the summer, or maybe something else entirely, but remakes are on […]
TOP 10: Best Movie Remakes

The good news of the week: Arthur actually wasn’t that bad. The bad news: It unsurprisingly comes nowhere near this list of my 10 favorite film remakes ever. But hell, I can live with that. I’m just glad my $10 didn’t go to waste. But anyway, enjoy the list, and let me know what some […]
WHICH IS BETTER: The Man Who Knew Too Much

Very generally, The Man Who Knew Too Much is about an assassination, a kidnapping, and an ordinary man who is forced to do extraordinary things to save someone he loves, yet the two versions have a number of quite obvious differences. The original begins in St. Moritz, Switzerland. Bob Lawrence (Leslie Banks) and his wife, […]