Promised Land Review

RATING: (3 STARS) When it comes to an issue like fracking, it’s hard to find middle ground. Those in favor of it cite the need to source energy more locally, while the anti-fracking crowd has Gasland and flaming water (among other things) to prove its points. Gus Van Sant‘s latest film, Promised Land, is ostensibly […]
Man on a Ledge Review

RATING: (2.5 STARS) Man on a Ledge is a colossally dumb heist movie that works more often than it doesn’t in spite of the filmmakers’ best efforts. That director Asger Leth and writer Pablo F. Fenjves would think this is a smart thriller feels insulting. It’s riddled with cliches and more than a little preposterous. […]
The Town Review

RATING: (3 STARS) The strongest praise I can muster for Ben Affleck’s new film The Town is to say that it’s good. It features good acting. The direction and writing are good, and it has some good action sequences. I can’t really get too excited about it though. I felt like it had all been […]
Gone Baby Gone Review

RATING: (4 STARS) “Gone Baby Gone†is a brutal film that raises some really tough questions. It features some exceptional direction (by rookie filmmaker Ben Affleck) and some terrific acting, but it never quite caught on with audiences. Nor did it catch on with the Academy. For that reason, it qualifies as one of the […]