Crimson Tide Review

RATING: (4 STARS) Tony Scott’s 1995 submarine film has one of the most clever titles in movie history. It most obviously references the name of the ship where most of the film’s action takes place – the U.S.S. Alabama. Crimson is a color that also evokes imagery from the Soviet Union, and while Crimson Tide […]
The Forgaughtens: The Black Dahlia (2006)

The Black Dahlia is what happens when a master director’s stunning vision gets reigned in or knocked off course by a screenplay that demands too much from him. There are moving images that Brian De Palma and his team conceived of and constructed throughout this film that literally took my breath away – three friends […]
True Romance Review

RATING: (4 STARS) True Romance is a fever dream. Who knew that combining the sensibilities of Quentin Tarantino the writer with those of Tony Scott the director would result in something that most closely resembles a 70s Terrence Malick movie? And what if that movie had one of the strongest, deepest casts of any movie […]
The Last Boy Scout Review

RATING: (3.5 STARS) It’s easy enough to look at The Last Boy Scout and assume it’s a close relative of 48 Hrs. or Lethal Weapon. They’re all action comedies to one extent or another. They feature an interracial pair with contrasting and clashing styles investigating a crime or larger criminal conspiracy. And in the case […]
The Forgaughtens: Lucky Number Slevin (2006)

Slevin. SLEVIN! If I asked you to tell me what a movie called Lucky Number Slevin was about, and you said, “It’s probably about a terrible case of mistaken identity that gets a man in a towel caught between two brutal crime lords,” well you’d be right, but I’m pretty sure you’d have cheated. Anyway, […]
Best Quotes from Quentin Tarantino Movies

Quentin Tarantino is one of the most well-regarded writer-directors in recent cinematic history, and as such, Quentin Tarantino films are packed crackling dialogue and incredible quotes. Unlike, for example, Wes Anderson movie quotes, the best Tarantino movie quotes are often lengthy monologues or detailed conversations. Many memorable Tarantino movie quotes also contain language I don’t […]
The Forgaughtens: The Recruit (2003)

Sometime in late 2001 or early 2002, someone in Hollywood thought they cracked the code on Colin Farrell, Bridget Moynahan, and late Al Pacino. The result of that (presumably coke-fueled) idea is The Recruit – a truly bonkers movie that helped contribute to the months of January and February becoming the ripest period for disposable […]
Days of Thunder Review

RATING: (3 STARS) The rap against Days of Thunder (or case for it, depending on your speed) over the last 30 years has been that it’s nothing more than a remake of Top Gun with race cars. In Roger Ebert’s review of the film, he outlined all the ways this film fits squarely into then […]
Revenge Review

RATING: (1.5 STARS) For a film as pulpy and hard-edged as Revenge, it’s hard to believe how lifeless the final product feels. This is the first Tony Scott movie that doesn’t feel like a Tony Scott movie on paper, which I was quite excited about, but it could have used an infusion of the energy […]
The Forgaughtens: The Score (2001)

The “one last job” trope is one of cinema’s most familiar and tired. In 2001, director Frank Oz assembled a red-hot cast (De Niro! Norton! Brando!) to bring his version of this story to the big screen, and … well … it’s pretty familiar and tired. It’s hard to make a forgettable film with De […]
Beverly Hills Cop III Review

RATING: (1 STARS) Beverly Hills Cop III fucking sucks. After seven years away from Axel Foley, Eddie Murphy put the Detroit Lions jacket back on in an extremely half-baked sequel to the great Beverly Hills Cop II, but it’s pretty clear early on that he didn’t really want to. Apparently a third Beverly Hills Cop […]
Beverly Hills Cop II Review

RATING: (3.5 STARS) On the heels of Top Gun, the highest grossing movie of its year, it seems like an odd choice to step in and direct the sequel to an even higher grossing film from a few years ago, like Beverly Hills Cop. Even stranger, perhaps, is that this is a sequel to a […]
The Forgaughtens: The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

The Forgaughtens is a series of posts in which I revisit “forgotten” films that were released between the years 2000 and 2009, or the aughts. All films will be discussed in the context of their release, as well as their cultural relevance today, and at the end of each post, a film will be given […]