The Martian Review

RATING: (3 STARS) In Stanley Kubrick’s epic space saga, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Strauss’ “Blue Danube Waltz” plays over a famous docking sequence. In Ridley Scott’s The Martian, a critical docking sequence is scored by David Bowie’s “Starman.” The differences go on, but perhaps it’s this one that best demonstrates what Scott is going for […]
The Movie Chain Challenge: Chris Hemsworth and Jeff Daniels

What’s the Movie Chain Challenge, you ask? Each week, you’ll be, well, challenged to connect one movie star to another by identifying costars they have in common. Think of it as a true cinephile’s Six Degrees of Separation. Ever wonder who connects Matt Damon to Max von Sydow? Julia Roberts to Julie Andrews? Elizabeth Taylor […]
Looper Review

RATING: (4 STARS) Looper represents a quantum leap forward for Rian Johnson as a filmmaker. Brick and The Brothers Bloom have their admirers, but these films are child’s play compared to what Johnson achieves with this trippy time-travel tale. It’s a genuine masterclass in storytelling, as not a single element in this sprawling story feels […]
Away We Go Review

RATING: (3 STARS) The first time I heard about Away We Go I was excited. Scranton-ite that I am, I’ll watch almost anything with The Office’s John Krasinski, and Sam Mendes is a great director (although I think American Beauty is vastly overrated). But there was one thing that was really bothering me about this project: I […]