Darren Aronofsky Movies

A formerly regular column returns this week with some thoughts on the career and films of a personal favorite filmmaker. Darren Aronofsky’s absence from the cineplexes since the real social media boon means he isn’t mentioned as often among contemporaries like Wes Anderson, PT Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, and others, but anyone who’s paying attention knows […]
Requiem for a Dream Review

RATING: (4 STARS) Requiem for a Dream, Darren Aronofsky’s sophomore effort and his best film to date, is an unshakable cry in the dark, a stern and impassioned warning about the dangers of addiction and the depths one will go to for another fix. It’s an extreme film, but it’s also as powerful as any […]
The Best Films of the 2000s

It’s hard to believe how much has changed for me over ten years. This was my coming-of-age decade. At the change of the millennium, I was in sixth grade. Now, with one semester left in college, I’m about to become a real person. In terms of movies, in 2000, I maybe attended two or three […]
The Best Performances of the 2000s

In descending order: 10.) Hilary Swank (Million Dollar Baby) – Most of Clint Eastwood’s films this decade have featured a lead character who, for better or worse, dominates the screen. Sean Penn in Mystic River, Angelina Jolie and Changeling, and Eastwood himself in Gran Torino all demonstrate this. They might not be captivating figures, but […]