What Are the Best Movies of the Decade So Far?

It’s hard to imagine we’re five years removed from the myriad “Best Movies of the Decade” posts of 2009. That was fun, and each intervening year since has produced more than enough titles worthy of appearing on such lists. Of course, most of those titles won’t eventually make it when we get to the end […]
Top 10 Movies of the “Filmspotting Era”

Webster’s Dictionary defines Filmspotting as “a force of good in the universe.” Or maybe that was Rian Johnson. Whatever the case, my favorite film podcast turned 500 this past week, and to celebrate the occasion it held a live event where hosts Adam and Josh counted down their top five favorite films of the “Filmspotting […]
Ranking the Films of Terrence Malick

It took me a long time and a lot of viewings to appreciate the Terrence Malick films the way I do today. The first film of his I experienced (and make no mistake, each and every Terrence Malick film is an experience) was The New World, not long after its release on DVD. I shut […]
Ranking the 2012 Oscar Nominees

Just a quick hit today. I took this idea from In Contention, and last year, I put forth a ranked list of that year’s nominees. Below are the films I haven’t seen, followed by my rankings of all those I have seen. Films I haven’t seen: My Week with Marilyn, A Cat in Paris, Chico […]
2011 Summer Movie Preview

It feels like it could be a week summer, but there’s still plenty to get excited about. Here’s a list of my top 10 most-anticipated blockbusters, followed by the 10 most intriguing independent pictures. 10.) X-Men: First Class Pros: Director Matthew Vaughn, interesting period elements Cons: X-Men fatigue 9.) Kung Fu Panda 2 Pros: Solid […]