Zootopia Review

RATING: (3.5 STARS) Zootopia is a perfect 2016 movie. Sure, it depicts a bunny cop and a fox solving a mystery — which is utterly timeless, obviously — but what it does here and how is speak with surprising grace about stereotyping that’s pervaded both the American presidential election and interactions cops and civilians. I […]
2015 Golden Globes Predictions

When it comes to making 2015 Golden Globes predictions, everyone knows quality shouldn’t come into the picture too much. The Globes are notorious for some decisions—most notably Zsa Zsa Gabor and The Tourist. I’m not sure why we take them seriously other than the fact that it’s a show on primetime, but to be fair, […]
2015 Golden Globes Nominations Predictions

The ultra-prestigious and never ridiculous Hollywood Foreign Press Association is on the cusp of announcing its nominees for the 2015 Golden Globes. We should take these nominations very seriously, as the many, many dedicated and serious-minded members of this fine organization consider only the artistic merits of each film, performance, and craft achievement in a […]
2015 Best Supporting Actor and Actress Predictions: Simmons, Arquette, and…

Since my last 2015 Oscar predictions update, Interstellar landed…interestingly. I actually haven’t seen the film yet, so I can’t say too much, but it’s discouraging to see how much Nolan-related baggage—both positive and negative—writers are bringing into their reviews of the guy’s movie. But that’s neither here nor there for the purpose of this post […]
2015 Oscar Predictions: First Guesses Before Fall Fests

It’s 2015 Oscar predictions time, so let’s dig the prognosticator’s hat out of the attic, dust it off, and take a look at the landscape of the 2015 Oscar race. If I’m being honest, though, I almost didn’t want to get involved with 2015 Oscar predictions at all. Last year’s Oscar season and the nonsense […]
Burn After Reading Review

RATING: (3.5 STARS) There are two types of Coen Brothers films—ones that examine human nature and consequence and others that are just utterly absurd. Burn After Reading, like The Big Lebowski and Raising Arizona, falls squarely into the latter category. It’s a film about incomprehensibly dumb people doing incomprehensibly dumb things. None of it makes […]
Up in the Air Review

RATING: (4 STARS) Sometimes a film comes along and does more than simply entertain; it speaks to people, sends them a clear message. Jason Reitman’s “Up in the Air” is such a film. It so perfectly captures the zeitgeist of American today, it’s almost scary. It says to those millions of unemployed Americans “It’s OK. […]