Final 2014 Oscar Predictions

We’re almost there. And thank God, because I can’t anymore. This will likely be the last year I spend time writing and talking about the Oscars regularly. Too much noise. I’ve been defeated. Anyway, it’s a hell of a good year to go out with some pretty brilliant titles leading the charge for gold. I […]
2014 Oscar Nominations Wish List

I say this every year, but it deserves repeating: quality has got nothing to do with the Oscars. Sure, the Academy is a large voting body, but each member has his or her own biases—just like film critics do—and for every member who thinks The Wolf of Wall Street is the best movie of 2013 […]
2014 Golden Globes Predictions

I don’t know why I bother every year to dip my ignorant toe into the muddy pool that is the Hollywood Foreign Press Association every year. A clueless (when it comes to these awards) prognosticator plus a traditionally asinine voting body has the potential to make this post look awfully foolish in the not-too-distant future. […]
2014 Oscar Predictions: Surveying the Foreign Language Field

No Oscar category offers as many surprises as Best Foreign Language Film. From countries’ submission process to the shortlist to upset winners, it’s never an easy place to offer predictions. We’re in the very early stages this year, which means its an especially foolhardy undertaking, but if it means getting good, small films on your […]
2014 Oscars: Don’t Forget About Us

Films released in the first two thirds of a given year are automatically at a disadvantage when it comes to possible Oscar nominations. There are exceptions, of course—Beasts of the Southern Wild, Midnight in Paris, Winter’s Bone, for example—but the nature of campaigning rewards those films that don’t have to remain in voters’ minds very […]
2014 Best Documentary Oscar Predictions: Digging Deep

Click on over to my 2014 Oscar Predictions page to see everything I’m forecasting in the major categories. And check out my 2014 Oscar Predictions: Technical Categories page for projections in Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, and more. Another year, another problem with the documentary branch of the Academy. The Wrap’s Steve Pond reported a […]
2014 Oscar Predictions: The Technical Categories

Click on over to my 2014 Oscar Predictions page to see everything I’m forecasting in the major categories. And check out my 2014 Oscar Predictions: Technical Categories page for projections in Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, and more. Oscar talk always get serious for me when I start pondering the more technical categories. I’ve been […]
How TIFF 2013 Will Shape the Oscar Season

Click on over to my 2014 Oscar Predictions page to see everything I’m forecasting in the major categories. The storm that was TIFF 2013 has passed, and the Oscar forecast now looks at least a little clearer. What’s most apparent at this point is that Best Actor is loaded, Best Picture has plenty of legit […]
The 2014 Oscars and Having a Civil Conversation

“The 2014 Oscars and having a civil conversation.” “What are two things that inexplicably can’t go hand in hand, Alex?” It’s sad that it’s September, and I’m writing this post. (I managed to hold out until January last season before calling for Oscar-related civility.) But Twitter and some of my favorite movie websites have become […]
2014 Oscar Predictions: Screenplays Original and Adapted

Click on over to my 2014 Oscar Predictions page to see everything I’m forecasting in the major categories. I’ve focused my 2014 Oscar predictions, until now, on Best Picture, Best Director, and the four acting categories. Today, I begin to unravel some of the secondary categories, starting with 2014 Best Adapted Screenplay and 2014 Best […]
Venice and Telluride: What We’ve Learned So Far

Click on over to my 2014 Oscar Predictions page to see everything I’m forecasting in the major categories. We’re mere days into the fall movie season, and already the Oscar landscape has changed significantly. I’ve updated my Oscar predictions today, and I will continue to on a weekly basis—every Wednesday—until the season ends. I will […]
The Deep Breath Before the 2014 Oscars Plunge

Click on over to my 2014 Oscar Predictions page to see everything I’m forecasting in the major categories. The signs of fall are all around us. Temperatures are dropping (from sweltering to comfortable). Darkness knocks earlier every night. Most importantly, fantasy football research consumes most of my time. We’ve received a glut of movie news […]