What Are the Best Movies of the Decade So Far?

It’s hard to imagine we’re five years removed from the myriad “Best Movies of the Decade” posts of 2009. That was fun, and each intervening year since has produced more than enough titles worthy of appearing on such lists. Of course, most of those titles won’t eventually make it when we get to the end […]
Top 10 Movies of the “Filmspotting Era”

Webster’s Dictionary defines Filmspotting as “a force of good in the universe.” Or maybe that was Rian Johnson. Whatever the case, my favorite film podcast turned 500 this past week, and to celebrate the occasion it held a live event where hosts Adam and Josh counted down their top five favorite films of the “Filmspotting […]
Ranking the 2013 Oscar Nominees

It’s become an annual tradition for me to rip off In Contention’s annual tradition of ranking the Oscar nominees from best to worst. I did it in 2011. I did it in 2012. See my 2013 rankings below. But first, a list of the films I regrettably haven’t caught up with yet: Mirror Mirror, Chasing […]
If I Had a 2013 Oscar Ballot

This year’s crop of Oscar nominees is a strong one. And part of the reason this season has been so unpredictable is that there are quite a few films voters seem eager to acknowledge. I encountered the same problem when writing this post. I’m not foolish enough to say something “should” win an award. I […]
The 2013 Oscar Nominees

It wasn’t Lincoln‘s field-topping twelve nominations nor Silver Linings Playbook‘s sudden ascension from “happy to be nominated” to “genuine Best Picture threat” that dominated headlines today. 

No, it was the genuinely stunning absence of Argo‘s Ben Affleck and Zero Dark Thirty‘s Kathryn Bigelow from the Academy’s eclectic Best Director lineup that rocked Oscar watchers’ world. […]
2013 OSCAR PREDICTIONS: A Truly Wide-Open Race

As good as 2012 was for films in general, it’s been an even better Oscar race. Unpredictability reigns supreme in a field filled with mostly great films. Phase 2 will kick into gear Thursday morning after Seth MacFarlane and Emma Stone announce the official nominees. It was tough, but here’s what I’ve got: Best Picture […]
The Ten Best Films of 2012

2012 was a really interesting year in film. Many are singing its praises. “2012 is the new 1999,” they say. I’m not going that far. In fact, I’m reserving judgment for a few months more. Too much still needs to be taken in. Too many need a second look. Here’s what I will say: This […]
2013 OSCAR PREDICTIONS: Official and Unofficial Shortlists

With Django Unchained and Les Miserables finally hitting theaters, we can finally remove a certain amount of speculation from the Oscar race. Audiences everywhere will officially have their say over this year’s crop of contenders, which will ultimately mean crossing some names/films of our lists (and maybe adding a name here and there). In other […]
2013 OSCAR PREDICTIONS: Early Acting Guesses

Still don’t know where some of these films and performances are really at, but it’s past time to dust the cobwebs off March’s predictions. I discussed the seemingly wide-open Best Picture category not too long ago. Today, I turn my attention toward the four acting categories. Again, I’m going with the five question format. If […]
2013 OSCAR PREDICTIONS: Best Picture Spitballing

Yes, it’s time. Sorry, folks. With summer winding down, the festival lineups being announced, and the fall schedule experiencing its traditional last-minute jostling (Goodbye, The Great Gatsby. We hardly considered thee.) Oscar season is ready to begin. I’ll cover it as I usually do, with semi-regular posts covering what’s changed on a category-by-category level. Today, […]